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Advanced Cite-Checking

Tue, Mar 02


Advanced Cite-Checking

Speaker: Deborah E. Bouchoux, Esq. (Pending CLE Credit from VA State Bar)

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Advanced Cite-Checking
Advanced Cite-Checking

Time & Location

Mar 02, 2021, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Advanced Cite-Checking

About the Event

This Cite-Checking seminar presupposes familarity with core BlueBook principles and is intended to cover topics not typically covered in the Introduction to Cite-Checking seminar.  The seminar will be three hours in length, and will cover the following: 

  • The first hour wil be a reviewand refresher of basic citation principles.
  • During the second hour, new topics will be covered, including the use of parentheticals, citing administrative materials, preparing tables of authorities, and citing to court documents.
  • During the third and final hour, attendees will work on some citation exercises and correct errors in a court brief.  The group will then receive an answer key for the exercises and work together on cite-checking and correcting the court brief. 


  • Advanced Cite-Checking

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